Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Serch Bythol Jewelry

Celtic jewelry is today much sought after for its gorgeous designs and artwork and also for a way for ethnic groups to display their heritage. This jewelry is still able to transport its symbolic message to those who understand it.

This Celtic love seal of everlasting love takes the form of 2 Celtic triple spirals or Triskeles. Each one takes the form of three cornered knots which report the body, mind and spirit of people. When joined together the Triskeles form a circle which represents eternity. Thus, the Serch Bythol seal represents two habitancy who are joined eternally, mind body and soul in everlasting love.

Magnetic Jewelry

Celtic designs
The aura that surrounds these designs is steeped in tradition and folklore. The meanings attributed to Celtic symbols have over the years been handed down orally from generation to generation to what we today recognise and revere. Celtic symbols take the form of knots, spirals, crosses and labyrinths. Spirals are represented in the Serch Bythol.

The spiral in antique symbolism reflected the universal pattern of increase and evolution that is found in the natural world. There is no starting or ending in spiral patterns and it is an ongoing process of innocence and discovery, of community and the essence that connects all things to each other.

The triple spiral known as the Triskele is also known as the Celtic triple Goddess symbol. The triple goddess represented the phases of life of maiden/mother and crone or the three phases of the Moon.

Double spirals signify balance. They can also signify a time when day and night are equal in length, in other words the equinox.

Spirals that are clockwise owe their symbolism to a time when the Druids favored the moon, yet this spiral represents the Sun. Loosely wound spirals symbolized the summer sun while a tightly wound spiral expressed the shorter winter days and longer nights.

Circles are also prominent in Serch Bythol symbols as they are believed to be the building block of Celtic imagery.

In Celtic symbolism the spiral is also known as the Triskele, representing in antique reliance the triad of sky/earth/sea or maiden/mother/crone and in Christianity the Holy Trinity.

The Triskele
The Triskele is very often represented in Celtic art and today we see it represented in the form of tattoos, clothing and most commonly in jewelry. Apart from signifying Celtic ancestry or tradition the Triskele represented unity and everlasting relationships between assorted entities. The Triskele resembles interconnected spirals that have neither a starting or ending and so look as though they are one continuous line flowing in one direction.

Even before the Celts reached Ireland the Celts left their signature in the form of a Triskele symbol. Because of this we can trace its antique patrimony back to Celtic culture yet it is uncertain where the original Celts came from. The Celts we know were a tribe of migratory habitancy who may have traveled down straight through Scotland from the cost of Africa or may even have come straight through Egypt, France and Spain.

The most coarse Triskele seal has been found dating back to the Neolithic period which signified a period during which the rise of stone tools, crop growing and crafts such as jewelry flourished. The Celts produced gorgeous pieces of art and possessed classic craftsmanship qualities. They adopted their designs from things around them, from nature and from their spiritual beliefs and produced intricate pieces of jewelry wrought from metal, gold and silver. The contemporary jewelry we see today accepts the original meanings of these antique symbols and is worn with pride.

Celtic jewelry
Celtic jewelry was added refined with the coming of Christianity and became much sought after items by traders and merchants. Today Celtic jewelry is very favorite and many jewellers of Celtic pieces still institution the same techniques of the antique and skilled craftsmen.

The private meanings of the antique Celtic spirals can be traced back to the 6th century and carry with them grand spiritual and sentimental value for those who give and to those who wear it.

The whorls or spirals found in Serch Bythol jewelry emerged as a coarse seal of Celtic artwork and are determined one of the most prominent examples of Celtic symbolism. For this surmise it is no surprise that the joining of Triskeles and the resulting circle that has no starting and no ending is being worn today as Celtic wedding jewelry to express everlasting love.

Serch Bythol Jewelry

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