Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can Magnetic Therapy unmistakably relax throbbing head Headaches?

Virtually everyone has suffered from a headaches at one time in their life. There are many causes for getting headaches. But what about migraines?

What is a Migraine?

Magnetic Jewelry

A throbbing head is a type of headache that's often severe. Although any head pain can be miserable, migraines are often disabling. In about 15 percent of cases, these painful headaches are preceded by a sensory warning sign (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots or tingling in your arm or leg. Migraines are also often accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and greatest sensitivity to light and sound. throbbing head pain can be excruciating and may incapacitate you for hours or even days. Fortunately, throbbing head pain supervision has improved dramatically in the last decade.

What are the signs and symptoms of a migraine?

A typical throbbing head strike produces some or all of these signs and symptoms:

o Moderate to severe pain 60 percent of throbbing head sufferers feel pain on only one side of their head, while 40 percent caress pain on both sides

o Head pain with a pulsating or throbbing quality

o Pain that worsens with corporeal activity

o Pain that hinders your quarterly daily activities

o Nausea with or without vomiting

o Sensitivity to light and sound

When left untreated, migraines typically last from four to 72 hours, but the frequency with which they occur can vary from person to person. You may have throbbing head headaches some times a month or just once or twice a year.

Not all migraines are the same. Eighty-five percent of population suffer from migraines without auras, which were previously called base migraines. About 15 percent of adults have throbbing head headaches with auras, which were previously called excellent migraines. If you're in the second group, you'll likely have auras about 15 to 30 minutes before your headache begins. They may continue after your headache starts or even occur after your headache begins.

These may include:

o Sparkling flashes of light

o Dazzling zigzag lines in your field of vision

o slowly spreading blind spots in your vision

o Tingling, pins-and-needles sensations in one arm or leg

o Rarely, infirmity or language and speech problems

Magnetic rehabilitation of migraines and headaches.

Magnets are known to stimulate hormone yield with in the body, it is this operation that makes magnets very efficient in the stoppage and rehabilitation of throbbing head headaches.
When magnets are settled around the head the electromagnetic pulses generated by the magnetic field will cause increased galvanic operation with in the brain. This increases conductivity in the middle of neural pathways, which in turn stimulates the areas of the brain that are responsible for hormone production, namely the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is the hormone that controls mood, commonly linked with migraine, stress and depression.

Melatonin is responsible for the internal body clock, it is linked with insomnia, seasonal dysfunction disorder and migraine. Magnetic fields around the head will slowly over a duration of days growth the bodies levels of serotonin and melatonin plus magnets are known to growth the blood levels of endorphins which are known as happy hormones as they give a euphoric feeling, they also are the bodies natural pain killers. The mixture of the growth of these 3 hormones will help preclude the onset of a throbbing head or if you already have a throbbing head it will be less intense plus the duration of the throbbing head will be greatly reduced.

Common treatments for throbbing head are:

1. A magnetic pillow pad. If a magnetic pillow pad is used on a daily basis ( settled inside your pillowcase, on top of your normal pillow) it can no ifs ands or buts cut the incidence of migraines. As a the brain is exposed to a strong magnetic field every night the brain will be stimulated daily to growth yield of serotonin ,melatonin and endorphins. The supervene of this will be that these hormone levels do not drop to abnormal levels which would regularly trigger a migraine.

2. A magnetic head band. This is a very basis and functional strap that is settled around the head , much like a sweat band. It contains 800 Gauss/ 80 m tesla magnets and is worn at the onset of a headache/migraine. The disadvantage is that as you only wear when you have a headache it does not work to preclude migraines occurring but it is efficient at treating migraines once they have commenced. It's main draw back is that it is not very provocative to wear any many population would not like to use it in a group place. This will cut its effectiveness if your migraine/headache starts exterior the home.

3. A magnetic eye mask. This has the same mechanism as the head band but is a mask that covers the eyes. This is very soothing if you have a tension linked throbbing head or if you suffer from dizziness, flashing lights or spots obscuring your foresight during a migraine. population article that the eye mask is very efficient in the rehabilitation of throbbing head pain plus in addition to wearing it at the onset and during a throbbing head it can be worn every night during sleep and will have a similar supervene to that of the pillow pad.
Long term use of magnetic devices can thoroughly eradicate hormonally induced migraines and dramatically cut the occurrence of throbbing head from other causes.

Can Magnetic Therapy unmistakably relax throbbing head Headaches?

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